English Language GCSE

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Mastery of your own language ought to be easy, surely?! Not everyone finds it so! We explain it all, bit by bit, one engaging podcast at a time. 

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English Language AQA GCSE

English Language GCSE



20 tutorials available 20 tutorials total

Welcome to our tutorial series for GCSE English Language for the AQA exam board. This series will introduce you to the basics of grammar and punctuation, and help you develop sentence structures, your creative writing skills and the techniques required for your  exams. 

English Language Edexcel GCSE

English Language GCSE



21 tutorials available 21 tutorials total

Welcome to our series for GCSE English Language for the Edexcel exam board.

The aims and objectives of the Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9–1) in English Language are:

 - to enable students to read a wide range of texts fluently and with good understanding

 - also to be able to read critically and use knowledge gained from wide reading to inform and improve writing skills

 - for students to be able to write effectively and coherently using Standard English

 - for students to be able to use grammar and punctuation correctly and to spell accurately

 - for students to acquire and apply a wide vocabulary alongside knowledge and understanding of grammatical terminology, and linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language.

PHEW! Sounds daunting huh?

Well don't worry. In this series we cover all of this, and provide techniques and tips to cement the basics and stretch you further.

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