OCR History A Level Audio Study Guides

Taking History A Level with OCR? Please find a list of the subject modules for History A Level for the Oxford and Cambridge Examination Board. *** To access the audio tutorials of your choice please click on the green headline below***

Modern Britain 1930-1997


A Level


32 tutorials available 32 tutorials total

Welcome to our A level history series for OCR's Modern Britain 1930-1997. Ranging from the biggest international economic depression in modern history, through a world war to dramatic economic and social change, our series will provide you with detailed insight and address the key arguments across the core events and protagonists. Written by Professor Eric Evans, recognised as one of the leading historians of this period, and Mike Wells, a highly experienced writer and examiner, the series will not only provide you with the knowledge required for your course but will deliver a deeper look at key aspects affecting Britain during this period.

Cold War in Europe 1941 - 1995


A Level


22 tutorials available 22 tutorials total

The Cold War sent shivers down the spines of ordinary people, with the world holding its breath and confronting the spectre of nuclear armageddon. In our A level OCR series we cover all the main areas of study as follows: The situation in 1941,The impact of WWII, The start of the Cold War 1945-47, Soviet Expansion and reaction of USA to increased tension, Conflicts over Germany and the creation of NATO, The USSR and Eastern Europe in the 1950s and 1960s, Germany after division ,Development of the Cold War, Attempts at peace and a new Cold War, USSR in crisis, Eastern Europe’s role in ending the Cold War, and the end of the Cold War itself. The series is written by Dr Mark Hurst from the University of Kent and Head of Humanities, Richard Macfarlane.

Cold War in Asia 1945 - 1993


A Level


25 tutorials available 25 tutorials total
Welcome to our series on the Cold War in Asia. Most people are familiar with the Cold War in Europe, but it was in Asia that the Cold War was at it's hottest. For many the Vietnam war defines the Cold War in Asia but there was a lot more to it than that. Our series examines all the key areas required by your study and sheds light on a conflict that arguably led to more deaths than both the first and second world wars combined. Professor Kevin Ruane, a renowned historian of the period, and head of humanities, Richard Macfarlane are your guides. Each main podcast is supported by one of Kevin's 'Key Topics' which will give you a rare insight into the key events.

COMING APRIL 2022 - Russia and Its Rulers 1855-1964


A Level


0 tutorials available 21 tutorials total

Thematic Study: Russia and its Rulers 1855–1964  

This series is designed to support OCR's specification for Russia and it's Rulers 1855-1964.

Written by Dr Michael Lynch (Honorary Fellow, University of Leicester and author of Revolution & Dictatorship: Russia 1917-1953 and Reaction & Revolution: Russia 1894-1924) the series covers all key aspects of the required study, together with extracts from original sources which add the colour, depth and insight which is invaluable when seeking the highest grades.

Here's what OCR has to say about the topic:

"The topic focuses on the nature, development and impact of Russian government on the people within its empire or sphere of influence from 1855 to 1964. It covers the similarities and differences in aims, methods and actions between Russian Rulers as well as the effect of government on economic and social conditions, war, empire and the development of political opposition. The thematic approach lends itself far more to the key concepts, and the measurement of progression, stagnation and regression".

Russia 1894-1941


A Level


16 tutorials available 16 tutorials total

Has there been a more dramatic period in European history? From the fall of the three hundred year old Romanov dynasty, Russia’s fleeting attempt at democracy, to the establishment and consolidation of the world's first Communist state. This series deals with the dramatic transformation of Russia from a backward feudal empire to a modern super power that would be able to withstand the might of Hitler. Revolutions came thick, fast and varied; political, social and industrial. There was not a dull moment in this period in Russia and we help you to understand the nature and impact of those events.

OCR A level Coursework Y100


A Level


8 tutorials available 8 tutorials total

Not the standard Audiopi series! However by popular demand we explain all aspects of how to tackle the A level Coursework module. The series is designed for both teachers and students and takes you through every aspect of how to approach, manage, self mark and mark the work. The series is delivered as various discussions between an Advisor on Coursework, a teacher and a student. The series is written by Audiopi favourites, Mike Wells and Nick Fellows.

Italy 1896 - 1943


A Level


30 tutorials available 30 tutorials total
The podcast series for Italy 1896-1943 gives you a detailed overview of what is required for your A Level studies, taking you from the turn of the century, the growing instability of Italian politics, the First World War, the development of fascism and rise and fall of Mussolini, up to and including the Second World War. The series is brought to you by Dr David Brown and Dr Giuliana Pieri, Head of Modern Languages at Royal Holloway University.

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